We recently introduced the Weekly Shorts game-mode to provide 5 new challenges each week at Sunday 6PM CET. The game-mode is popular and we can see many players enjoying and trying the tracks!
Since the game-mode is aimed more towards the beginner player, and players we welcome in Trackmania may try these challenges quickly when discovering the game, we want to introduce a few more rules & guidelines to submitting tracks for the Weekly Shorts.
The aim is to reduce the difficulties of tracks that we see are being submitted, increase their readability for beginners, and make selection for your tracks more likely.

Find below the rules we are introducing. For a more detailed explanation and to provide clarity on these changes, we also attached some documentation.
* Track length (Author time) must not be longer than 20 seconds.
* Tracks visibility and readability must fit the beginner player.
* Tracks must fit one of 5 Track Styles:
- Wide – Experience gameplay with no frustration of collisions.
- Slow – Enrich gameplay with the brakes and without the stress of speed.
- Puzzle – Enjoy finding cuts without having to drive well.
- Fast – Enjoy the adrenaline with no complexity.
- LOL – Enjoy creativity & fun of luck with no specific skill to win.
* Each week will have 1 track type of each in this exact order.
* Your track must be submitted for a style, by prefixing it with a number in the Track Name.
* Preferably, your track is also named simply, describing the track theme in the Track Name.
* New labels & Tags are introduced for the Weekly Shorts Map Review.
* More feedback from Nadeo after review, via the use of new labels.

Organizing the tracks into five styles should also help new players discover the many ways to enjoy Trackmania’s rich gameplay!
For those seeking higher challenges, they can chase records, compete in Track of the Day, tackle higher-level campaign tracks, and take on community-driven in-game activities.
This week’s selection already reflects this vision! Enjoy!
Tags: UGC , User Generated Content , Weekly shorts