Registrations for the Trackmania World Tour are open!


The registration phase for the Regional tournaments from the Trackmania World Tour 2023 has started. It will allow you to earn points for the TMWT 2023 through Regional tournaments and  matchmaking.

The Trackmania World Tour will begin at the end of the week, with the Grand League super weekend, but also the very first Regional tournaments! Middle East Africa (MEA) competition will start on Friday January 20th, while the North, Central & South America tournament (NCSA) will begin on Saturday January 21st. To be able to take part to your Regional tournament, you need to create a team of two players (a streamer also could be added), or join a team already created by your partner.

How to create a TMWT team?

The Trackmania World Tour team creation will take place in your club administration page on our website. You can find your club here.

  1. Find your club, open it and click on the Admin button
  2. Select the team button to create your team
  3. Fill the needed information, keep the code, and create your team
  4. Team is empty, you need to join it on this page, and enter the code
  5. Invite your team mate thanks to the code which was generated

A club may have different teams created. Only a club admin is allowed to create a team. Every club admin is able to see team(s) code(s) and is able to regenerate a new code if needed.

How to join a TMWT team?

To join a team which was already created, you need to go on this page and enter the code which is known by the team creator. To be able to join the team, you need to be member of the Club where the team was generated.

When the team is full, you can register to your regional tournaments. To be sure you’re able to take part of it, you will need to check in an hour before the start of the tournament. If you didn’t check in, you will not be able to participate in it. Your team will also allow you to earn points for the Trackmania World Tour with the Matchmaking gamemode.

Tags: Nadeo , Regional , Regionals , TMGL , TMWT , trackmania , Trackmania Grand League , Ubisoft , Ubisoft Nadeo , World Tour